Where to invest in cryptocurrencies in 2021?
In the past 10 years, the cryptocurrency economy has seen a boom that has never been seen in other industries. Such growth has led the European Union to seek a way to regulate this economy that moves more than 100,000 million euros. In this article, we provide you with more information about cryptocurrencies and we…
Lire l’articleWhy setting up an offshore company?
Even though tax optimization remains the main reason behind starting an offshore business, there are many other advantages. Discover in this article the different reasons why to create an offshore company. Reminder When we talk about offshore, we mean something that is “offshore”, or “off the coast”. Thus, the term “offshore”, when applied to a…
Lire l’articleWhat is the difference between an onshore and offshore company?
Offshore and onshore are two english terms that apply to companies when it comes to their geographic locations. To avoid confusion, we will underline in this article the difference between an offshore and onshore company. difference between offshore and onshore: definition of an offshore company When we talk about offshore, we mean something that is…
Lire l’articleThe main benefits of an offshore yacht
1. Absence of VAT : the key benefits of an offshore yacht By buying your boat through an offshore company, you are buying it tax-free. This represents a very strong reduction in the purchase price if we consider, for example, that the VAT amounts to 20% in the UK. You can for instance choose to create…
Lire l’articleHow to register a yacht offshore?
There are many reasons to register your boat or yacht in an offshore territory, including the absence of capital gains tax, low registration and management costs, and the absence of VAT when purchasing. If you’re considering how to register a yacht offshore, these advantages make offshore registration an attractive option for many boat owners. But…
Lire l’articleIntroduction to Tax Havens
Introduction to Tax Havens If you’re seeking a brief introduction to Tax Havens, this article is tailored for you. First, let’s begin by stating that there are many tax havens, but not all are created equal. Each has its own specialty, and in some cases, multiple specialties. This often encourages, as part of global tax…
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